I love to travel to remote destinations but travel to the far corners of the globe requires extra thought and effort than if I were just hopping the pond and dropping in on western Europe.
One of the must-do's for remote travel is to find out what travel medicine is needed and to review my vaccination history to make sure everything is up to date. Under no circumstances do I want to return home from a trip with an illness that could have been prevented if I had only taken the necessary precautions in advance. I don't want to be a stupid traveler.
As far as getting medical information for travel is concerned, by go to source is the website of the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (aka the CDC). The CDC
Travelers' Health website provides comprehensive, up-to-date information medical information for travelers.
As an experienced traveler, I know that I cannot wait until the last minute to get vaccine or medicine as some need to be taken well in advance of when you arrive into the country. Others often need a series of injections separated by a specific time period between shots e.g., two shots, a month a part.