an and I woke up early enough to grab breakfast at the hotel before meeting up with everyone. The first destination on our sightseeing agenda was the Shaanxi Historical Museum. We headed out to catch the same bus that we took the previous night to the Tang Dynasty Theme Park as the Historical Museum is located very nearby.Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
Things you find in your hotel room.
hat can I say? I've had nice things greet me in my hotel room like flowers, a welcome basket of munchies and chocolates on the pillow. I've also had yucky things greet me....mostly creepy crawly things. Maybe it's because I don't stay in certain types of hotels but believe it or not but the condom/vibrator set is a first for me. The Chinese must think tourists are a bunch of horny, slutty folks ;-) These were on our nightstand in our hotel room in Xi'an and lucky me, I had a similar set in my hotel room in Beijing.
Okay....I can say I didn't need them :-)
China 2009
Chillin' in Xi'an.
efore we arrived into Xi’an, Bernd and Robbie had told Jenny that they wanted to get haircuts and I had told her that wanted to get a traditional Chinese foot massage. After our bike ride on Xi'an's city wall, we had the rest of the day free so it was a good time to get these activities out of the way. We first had to get the guys to the hair dresser. Jenny led us down the street the look of which reminded me very much of what I used to see in Malaysia....brought back good memories.
China 2009
Hello Xi'an!

e pulled into the train station in Xi’an around 7:30 in the morning. It had been a long 17 hour overnight train ride and I was happy to be able to really stretch my legs. We all got off and followed Jenny out of the station and piled into taxis for the ride to the hotel. Bernd, Jan and I shared a ride. Along the way, we rode with the windows down - the weather in Xi'an was much more bearable....a wee bit cooler and less humid than what I had spent the last week enduring. (Later on I would find out that was just because it was early morning....it would be hot, humid and hazy the rest of the day....ugh.)
China 2009
Sunday, June 28, 2009
A dam and a park.
oday we would be leaving the boat. I got up, packed my bags and headed down for breakfast. It was going to be a long day so I wanted to make sure I had enough energy to keep me going. Jenny got us checked out and we were off the boat by about 8:30a. There was a van waiting for us in the parking lot of the ferry dock. We piled ourselves and luggage into it.
China 2009
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Rollin', rollin', rollin' down the Yangtze.
ack on the ferry, we all kicked back to enjoy the view and each other's company.Jan, Jackie, Mairead, Trevor and Madeline
Robbie, Bernd, Jenny and Dean
We arrived back at the “Mother Boat” at around 11:30a – just in time for lunch. :-)
China 2009
The Tujia boat trackers of the Shennong Stream.

his is what the ticket showed we would be seeing ;-) Butt naked men pulling a boat. Hmmm....didn't know this was an x-rated boat ride. *blushing*
China 2009
Rollin', rollin', rollin' up the Yangtze.
oday is “Yangtze Boat Cruise” day but we first we had to get up and have breakfast.
China 2009
Friday, June 26, 2009
Heading for the Yangtze River.
ur wakeup call this morning came when Mairead's cellphone rang. It was a text message from her brother telling her that Michael Jackson had died. I thought I was dreaming until I woke up and logged on to the web to check. What shocking news and yet another reminder for me that you have to live each day to its fullest because life is too short :-(
China 2009
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Nanjing, here we come!
oday we begin our journey from Shanghai to Beijing. First destination on the travel route is Nanjing which up until the Cultural Revolution was the capital of China. I have to admit, I wasn’t really looking forward to Nanjing as I knew the two places we would be visiting would invoke intense feelings.
China 2009
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Shanghai. Round 2.

y first full day with the rest of the tour group started with the buffet breakfast at the hotel . I wasn’t hungry so I just sat with the group. Our itinerary for the day was to visit the Shanghai Museum this morning and as the group decided, to go to see a Chinese acrobat show tonight. We would have the afternoon to explore the city on our own.
China 2009
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
The night lights of Shanghai.

Looking across the Huangpu River to the skyscrapers of Shanghai. The tall structure on the far left is the Oriental Pearl Tower.
o work off the bazillion calories we all just consumed, Jenny suggested taking a walk. Perfect!Shanghai glows at night from all the neon lights!! We headed out of the restaurant, down the street that our hotel is on, then onto Nanjing Road and then headed towards the Bund....an area famous for its historic British and European style buildings. There was a lot of construction going on in the area so we were not able to reach the area that runs along the Huangpu River that divides Shanghai into eastern and western regions. On the eastern side of the river are all the modern day skyscrapers...quite a spectacular sight even in the dark of night. Since there wasn't much to see along the Bund, we didn't linger long.
China 2009
Meeting the gang.

Our guide is Jenny Chen. She told us she took her name from the main female character in Forest Gump – her favorite movie. She looks like she’s barely out of her teens but I think she’s in her 20’s.
Madeline and Trevor who are from New Zealand. They’re both in their 70’s.
Robbie and Jackie who are from Ireland. I’m guessing they’re in their 20’s.
Dean from Canada. Manitoba I think.
China 2009
Zhujiajiao and Qibao. Off the beaten path.
was determined to see *old* China on this trip as I fear that will be lost as *new* China emerges. I especially wanted to see the old watertowns. Unlike Zhouzhuang, Zhujiajiao ("Jew-gee-ah-gee-ow")and Qibao ("Chee-b-ow")are not as well known….a little more off the beaten path.
China 2009
Monday, June 22, 2009
Exploring Shanghai.
oday was an *off day* for me as I deliberately left one day that would be unplanned. I woke up around 8am and as I was getting ready for the day, decided I would head over to Yu Yuan Gardens though I have to admit, I had no idea what I was going to be seeing.
China 2009
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Hangzhou. Natural Beauty.
I had signed up for a one day tour of Hangzhou. My guide Helen arrived promptly at 7am and met me in
China 2009
Shanghai....the furnace of China.

ei warned me that Shanghai would be swelteringly hot and she wasn't kidding. I thought I had packed light enough clothing but it looks like I forgot to bring along the icepack :-)It is hot here with daytime temps in the high 90's F but what makes it unbearable is the humidty. It is s-o-o-o humid that the Shanghai sky is constantly gray and hazy. At first I thought it was smog but my lungs would have choked if it was. Andrew confirmed it's just humidity.
China 2009
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Suzhou. Silk and Garden.
China 2009
Zhouzhuang. Going to Venice in China.
China 2009
It looks like a duck, it must quack like a duck.

t started the second I got on the plane to Beijing. I look Chinese, therefore I must speak Mandarin. Sadly to say, I neither speak Mandarin nor read Chinese characters. As Lei would say, I am a *bad* Chinese....so sad :-(My response whenever someone tries to speak to me is to say "Sorry, English" to which I get a look back like "Whaaat? You don't speak Chinese?" Luckily, I have been to so many places where I don't speak or read the language, I've figured out how to get around. Hand signals are the way to go though I am always worried that I will make one that will get me scoldedd, slapped in the face or thrown out of an establishment. So far, so good in China.
I'm off in a bit to get some breakfast and I'm headed for the street market so we'll see how good my hand gesturing is. I'm hoping to get some dumplings....let's see what I end up with :-)
China 2009
Friday, June 19, 2009
Shanghai, here I come!!

China 2009