Suitcase and World: Faroe Islands & Scotland! Overview.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Faroe Islands & Scotland! Overview.

Fairy Pools, Isle of Skye, Inner Hebrides, Scotland
(Photo by Drianmcdonald. Licensed under CC BY 4.0)

I have a BIG trip coming up and I am so excited!  I started planning this trip more than two years ago.  It originated with a desire to attend the Edinburgh Military Tattoo, another of my life long dreams.  As so often happens, going to Scotland for the Tattoo was just the tip of the iceberg.  Before long, a short visit to Scotland turned into a five week long odyssey covering the islands and highlands that the country is so famous for.   Not to mention, a side trip to the Faroe Islands which are technically a part of Denmark.  Accompanying me on this trip is my ever intrepid travel partner, Pat, whom I have not traveled with since we explored Azerbaijan, Georgia and Armenia back in 2015.  She's getting up in the years (85 years young this year) and I don't know how many more trips she can do so I want this one to be a special one for both of us so I've taken more time than usual planning it!

Mulafossur Waterfall, Faroe Islands
(Photo byDrega05.  Licensed under CC BY 4.0)

This trip will mainly be about Mother Nature - spending time in gorgeous remote landscapes that Scotland and the Faroe Islands are cherished for!  We'll also have the opportunity to delve into some of the Viking history that is part of Scotland's ancient heritage.  Our time in the "big" Scottish cities of Edinburgh and Glasgow will be limited to just a few days and Aberdeen will only be a pass through as we have to be there to board the ferry to the Shetland Islands and to return to the mainland from the Orkney Islands.

We'll be renting a car and driving ourselves around the Faroe Islands.  Ditto for the Shetland and ORkeney Islands which will travel to and from the mainland via ferry.  We'll also be doing a drive tour, starting in Glasgow, going through the Highlands, ferrying over to the Outer Hebrides and then ferrying over to the Inner Hebrides and then ferrying back to the mainland.  From there, our trip will take us back to Glasgow via the Highlands. 

I have put together a very detailed itinerary - 21 pages as well as driving maps for various locations.  It really has been a lot of work putting this trip together and finger crossed, it will all pay off!  I finally completed two remaining tasks just a few days ago so we're pretty much ready to go and I cannot wait.  The countdown will soon begin!

Faroe Islands and Scotland: Itinerary

Day 1   ✈ New York City, USA to Edinburgh, Scotland
Day 2   ๐ŸšŒ Edinburgh to Queensbury
Day 3   ✈ Edinburgh to Torshavn, Faroe Islands
Day 4   ๐Ÿš— Faroe Islands
Day 5   ๐Ÿš— Faroe Islands
Day 6   ๐Ÿš— + ⛴️ Mykines, Faroe Islands
Day 7  ๐Ÿš— Faroe Islands
Day 8  ๐Ÿš— Faroe Islands
Day 9  ๐Ÿš— Faroe Islands
Day 10   ✈ Torshavn to Edinburgh
Day 11   ๐Ÿš‡ Edinburgh
Day 12   ๐Ÿš‡  Edinburgh
Day 13  ๐ŸšŒ Edinburgh to Aberdeen
Day 14  ⛴️ Aberdeen to Lerwick, Shetland Islands
Day 15   ๐Ÿš— Shetland Islands
Day 16   ๐Ÿš—  Shetland Islands
Day 17   ⛴️ to Kirkwall, Orkney Islands
Day 18   ๐Ÿš— Orkney Islands
Day 19   ๐Ÿš— Orkney Islands
Day 20   ๐ŸšŒ + ✈  Papa Westray, Orkney Islands
Day 21   ๐ŸšŒ Kirkwall and Stromness, Orkney Islands
Day 22   ⛴️ Kirkwall to Aberdeen
Day 23   ๐Ÿš† Aberdeen to Glasgow
Day 24   ๐Ÿš‡ Glasgow
Day 25   ๐ŸšŒ + ๐Ÿš—  Glasgow to Luss
Day 26   ๐Ÿš— Luss to Perth
Day 27   ๐Ÿš— Perth to Grantown-on-Spey
Day 28   ๐Ÿš—  Grantown-on-Spey to Ullapool
Day 29   ⛴️ + ๐Ÿš—  Ullapool to Stornoway, Outer Hebrides
Day 30   ๐Ÿš— Isle of Lewis, Outer Hebrides
Day 31   ๐Ÿš— Isle of Harris, Outer Hebrides
Day 32   ⛴️ + ๐Ÿš— Tarbet, Isle of Harris, Outer Hebrides to Portree, Isle of Skye, Inner Hebrides
Day 33   ๐Ÿš—  Isle of Skye
Day 34   ๐Ÿš—  Isle of Skye
Day 35   ⛴️ + ๐Ÿš— Armadale, Isle of Skye to Maillag
Day 36   ⛴️ + ๐Ÿš—  Small Isles, Inner Hebrides
Day 37   ⛴️ + ๐Ÿš—  Small Isles, Inner Hebrides
Day 38   ๐Ÿš—  Maillag to Oban
Day 39   ⛴️ +๐ŸšŒ + ⛴️ +  Oban to Isle of Mull and Isle of Iona
Day 40   ⛴️ +๐ŸšŒ Oban to Tobermory, Isle of Mull
Day 41   ๐Ÿš— Oban to Inverary
Day 42   ๐Ÿš— Inverary to Glasgow
Day 43   ✈  Glasgow to New York City

Transportation Legend:
 ✈ Plane       ๐Ÿš— Car       ๐ŸšŒ Bus        ⛴️  Ferry


Trip Maps

Faroe Islands
