They say it takes a village to raise a child. Well, it took a small army to make a vacation happen for me and I would like to thank the people that made it all possible.
First, a big thanks to my friend Bob who helped me to assemble my gear for this trip. It was indeed a challenge trying to fit everything into my backpack but I'm glad I did as it enabled me to travel very lightly - it held everything I needed for my two days in the Amazon and for my three day trip from Cuzco to Machu Picchu and back. In honor of Bob, here's the daypack as it looked on pretty much every day of my trip.

To the Stelzers (Greg, Susie, Kyle, Riley and Carson), Andrea Ibscher and Kim Agaton:
Thanks for being such wonderful travel companions. Even though we didn't get to spend every day of our trip together, the time we did spend was truly memorable for me. We had our share of good conversation and laughs and I hope we will continue to keep in touch.
....and to Andrea. How lucky was I that you and I had exactly the same camera and that you had your charger with you? Thanks for letting me borrow it. Otherwise, I would only have photos of 1/2 of my trip!
Thanks go to Debbie Wheelhouse (GAP in Toronto) for helping me set up this trip and for making a slew of last minute changes for me. Everything went as planned.
To Ben and Khan (sorry if I didn't get your name right) and the others at the Lima GAP Shack:
Thanks for arranging my trip to Nazca. I know you guys had to scramble at the last minute but everything went smoothly and I had a great time.
To all the drivers/escorts (and there were a LOT) and local guides (William, Rolly, Simon in Nazca, Wilbert, Fredy):
Thanks for ferrying me around and for sharing your knowledge of Peru, its history and its current day life with me.
....and last but not least, to Simon Myburgh. You really can't judge a book by its cover! Underneath the scruffy, tattooed exterior lies a very decent human being. Thanks for caring about my well-being during the entire trip. You can stop worrying now, I'm home :-)
I had a wonderful time in Peru and I will someday return to see the many places that I have yet to visit and to savor new experiences. Until we meet again, take care, may the road rise to meet you and the wind be always at your back.