fter spending time at the Göreme Open Air Museum, we walked back into the village of Göreme, grabbed a quick snack and then headed to a nearby Internet cafe to send out emails. We took a slow walk back up the narrow streets of the hill that Kelebek Pension was perched atop. Back at the pension, we took time to relax and unwind from the day which had started out with a early morning flight from Istanbul. We were tired.The sun was about to set. We strolled around the pension grounds and lingered to admire the views of the mountains beyond and the village below.
Soon, there was a chill in the air and we decided to retreat to the dining room. After dinner, we headed to the lounge room where Lei, the cat lover, discovered a mama cat and her two kittens. Though I am not a cat lover, I have to admit that the kittens were awfully cute!
It was then back to the room to take showers, do laundry and crawl into bed. By the way, Lei has become a master at stringing up the clothes line!
I wanted to get a good night's rest as we had to rise early the next day for our hot air balloon ride. Though I was physically tired, I was too excited to fall asleep easily. I did a bit of light reading before closing my eyes and falling into a deep slumber.