Icannot believe that I have been blogging about my travels for almost 10 years now! I started back in March of 2006. With a couple of exceptions (Quebec City and Puerto Rico), I have blogged on every single trip that has taken me out of the lower 48 US states!
It's been more than 4 months since I consolidated all my individual blogs into this one big one called Suitcase & World. It took me forever to come up with a name - there are a million travel blogs out in cyberspace and whatever creative name I could come up with was already taken but this one seemed to fit nicely. Yesterday, I decided to finally my new blog to my Facebook friends and in the posting gave a shout out to the 32 people (just a fraction of the total number) of the people that I have traveled with in the past 10 years. Meeting them has most certainly have enriched my life and it was time for a small thank you. As I had expected, because my Facebook friends are so caring, I got a lot of wonderful, heartfelt responses back!
It all started with one posting and as of today, I have well over 1,100! Thank God for the search feature because I'm having trouble retrieving information from trips long gone by!
For now, I still continue to tinker with my not-so-little blog - making changes to both content and the look and feel. Thankfully, my IT skills have come in to great use in setting up the new domain and making small adjustments here and there to the basic template. I have even grander plans in mind but those will unfold as time goes on.
The other 20+ original blogs are currently blocked to public access. I still have a few things I want to capture, from each of them, before I delete them. For now, the Japan blog will remain active until I actually get to go on the trip! I look forward to hitting the 20 year mark with this blog - that would be truly amazing!
But at the moment, I think I'll just take a few minutes and flip back through a few posts and relive a few wonderful travel memories!
My Facebook post. The photo is from my 2007 trip to the Taj Mahal. The names of my fellow travelers have been deliberated obscured, by butterfly wings, to ensure their privacy. |